Main Assembly
Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 1- Door Assembly-Med Gold [No Glass] (846-913) +$Call to Order
QTY: 1A- Door Assembly-Medium Black [Includes Glass, Door Handle & Gaskets] ~Old Part #846-915~ (850-141) +$500.76
QTY: 3- Glass with Gasket (846-302) +$261.03
QTY: 4- Glass Gasket [5 ft per package] (936-243-5) +$44.73
QTY: 5- Glass Retainer Clips & Glass Clip Screws [Pkg of 8] (846-920) +$40.92
QTY: 6- Screws & Glass Retainer Clips [Pkg of 8] (846-920) +$40.92
QTY: 7- Small Glass Retainer (948-170/P) +$63.46
QTY: 9- Door Handle Assembly (846-973) +$77.99
QTY: 12- Ash Hole Cover Plate (820-375) +$Call to Order
QTY: 13- Ash Hole Cover Plate Bolt [2 per unit, each sold separately] (904-360) +$12.26
QTY: 14- Retainer Plate - Ash Dump - Top (820-376) +$15.06
QTY: 15- Nut - 1/4 - 20 Hex (Call for Part #) +$Call to Order
QTY: 16- Door Gasket with Gasket Adhesive Kit (846-570) +$118.01
QTY: 17- Hinge Cap - Cast Black [set of 2] (846-918) +$34.40
QTY: 19- Spring Handle - Large (948-101) +$40.92
QTY: 20- Spring Handle - Small (948-102) +$17.86
QTY: Complete Fan/Blower Assembly [120 V] (846-515) +$379.00
QTY: 25- Power Cord [120 V] (910-684) +$48.93
QTY: 27- Thermodisc - Fan Auto On/Off (910-142) +$48.93
QTY: 28- Manual/Auto Switch [2-Way] (910-138) +$17.86
QTY: 29- Fan Speed Switch Hi/Off/Low [3-Way] (910-140) +$15.06
QTY: 30- Fan Motor with Squirrel Cage [120 V] (910-157/P) +$337.06
QTY: 36- Air Tube [3 per unit, each sold separately] (033-953) +$77.99
QTY: 37- Baffle [Set] (033-957) +$207.31
QTY: 40- Rear Air Deflector (815-557) +$88.66
QTY: 41- Airmate - Medium F2100 (850-105) +$187.00
QTY: 42- Manual [Hard Copy] [908-288] (OMHC-R) +$9.99
Pedestal, Bottom Shield & Leg Options
Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 48- Pedestal - Medium (850-215) +$Call to Order
QTY: 49- Large Magnet Catch (904-257) +$12.26
QTY: 50- Blanking Plate - Pedestal (Call for Part #) +$Call to Order
QTY: 44- Ashdrawer Kit - Pedestal (850-100) +$232.89
QTY: 45- Ashdrawer - Pedestal (Call for Part #) +$Call to Order
QTY: 46- Ashdrawer Lid Assembly (Call for Part #) +$Call to Order
QTY: 58- Ash Plug (942-110) +$46.26
QTY: 59- Ash Plug Tool Handle (820-249) +$27.32
QTY: 56- Bottom Shield - Medium (850-221) +$Call to Order
QTY: 57- Blanking Plate - Bottom Shield (Call for Part #) +$Call to Order
QTY: 54- Ashdrawer Kit Bottom Shield [Includes: Ashdrawer, Ash Plug, Ash Plug Tool] (850-101) +$153.60
QTY: 55- Ashdrawer - Bottom Shield (Call for Part #) +$Call to Order
QTY: 58- Ash Plug (942-110) +$46.26
QTY: 59- Ash Plug Tool Handle (820-249) +$27.32
QTY: 140- Legs - Cast Black [set of 4] (850-126) +$162.00
QTY: 140A- Legs - Cast Gold [set of 4] (850-127) +$600.49
QTY: 142- Legs - Steel Black (850-152) +$Call to Order
QTY: 69- Logo - Regency ~Old Part # 948-216~ (948-223) +$12.26
Fire Brick
Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 70- Brick- Regular Full Size: 1-1/4 Inch X 4-1/2 Inch X 9 Inch [11 per unit, each sold separately] (902-111) +$15.06
QTY: 76- Brick Partial: 1-1/4 Inch X 2 Inch X 9 Inch [3 per unit, each sold separately] (802-152) +$34.40
QTY: 77- Brick Partial: 1-1/4 Inch X 3-1/4 Inch X 9 Inch (802-145) +$40.92
QTY: 78- Brick Partial: 1-1/4 Inch X 4-1/2 Inch X 3-1/4 Inch [2 per unit, each sold separately] (802-149) +$24.91
QTY: 79- Brick Partial: 1-1/4 Inch X 4-1/2 Inch X 2-1/4 Inch (802-153) +$40.92
QTY: 80- Brick Partial: 1-1/4 Inch X 6-1/2 Inch X 2-1/4 Inch (802-154) +$24.91
QTY: 86- Complete Brick Set (033-960) +$163.83